Thursday, December 21, 2006

New York, New York

New York, New York
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Before today I had never been to New York City. We flew into Teteboro for the weekend, which is a very popular airport for corporate aircraft on the east coast in New Jersey. I caught one of the earliest buses I could catch over to Manhattan and met my friend Alex from FlightSafety Academy. We immediately headed toward the Empire State Building. I had never been in a skyscraper (I don’t know if the space needle counts). I was hoping for a spectacular view of the city but the visibility was zero. So Alex and I found a bench on top of the Empire State Building and caught up on what was going on. After about an hour of waiting for the clouds to clear we gave up and headed back down to find breakfast. We proceeded to walk to Ground Zero, then to Battery Park, followed by Wall Street, the Brooklyn Bridge, China Town, Little Italy and caught a subway to the Upper West Side where I met Jenni, a good friend from high school. Jenni recently landed her first position as a performer in an off Broadway musical and had gotten herself an agent. After catching up with Jenni on her one free hour of the day between meeting with her personal trainer and going to her musical’s rehearsal, Alex and I moved on to Central Park and Time Square to have dinner. By the completion of dinner Alex and I had decided that we had had enough sight seeing, so we said our good-byes, he headed back toward Long Island and I headed back to Jersey. What a great city, unlike any I had ever been to, and it was great to see and few good friends. But man was I happy to climb into my hotel bed and get off my feet.11 Nov 06

Monday, October 16, 2006

Autumn in Michigan

Westview Orchard
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
This may have been the last weekend the sun will shine on the state of MI until May, and with Dave in town, we experienced a Midwest Fall to the fullest. Friday night we drove out to the sticks to possibly become part of a Dateline Special Edition at a haunted corn maze. Not only were the last five miles on a dark gravel road to god knows where, but also it was sleeting. (Some girlfriend I am – great idea huh?) We actually turned around to begin driving back the 45 minutes it took to get there, and then decided we had made it that far we had to get scared to death now. The end result was that I was the one that was scared to death, screaming at guys with fake chainsaws and other monsters jumping out at Dave and I as we made our way through the dark cornfield. Dave on the other hand was probably scared to death because I clutched his arm so tight that his circulation was cut off, but I think he thoroughly enjoyed laughing at me being such a scared-y-cat. The rest of the weekend was gorgeous filled with more autumn activities of orchards, cider and apple pie. Then on Monday, as if on cue, rain and an overcast layer of clouds moved in. I can officially say good-bye to warm weather and blue skies. Is it May yet? 15 Oct 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sleeping Bear Dunes

Sleeping Bear Dunes
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
One of the perks of being a corporate pilot is that you go to some interesting places (you just don't always have time to leave the airport). Today Steve and I flew to Frankford, MI where we would be spending all day waiting for our passengers to finish their business before returning to Detroit. The airport manager was nice enough to hand over the keys to an eighties model Honda Prelude. We drove north to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park. Lake Michigan was gorgeous and who knew these amazing sand dunes existed on a Great Lake. The water was so clean and clear (not to mention kind’a cold) and the dunes ranged from normal size to so gigantic you couldn’t believe this large steep hill in front of you was a live moving dune. I can only imagine how beautiful Lake Michigan on the shores of Sleeping Bear Dunes in autumn. Hopefully this will be one of the many beautiful places I go while I am working in Detroit. 24 August 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My New Job as a Lear 45 Pilot

My New Job as a Lear 45 Pilot
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
The 45 I am flying still in the hangar, earlier this week before we pushed off for Naples, FL. She sits up to nine people. All glass in the cockpit, which is a tight fit. Her range is 1800 NM. She's a little sports car in the sky and my first jet. I love this airplane.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

FlightSafety Going Away Party

FlightSafety Going Away Party
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
I work with so many amazing people at FlightSafety, they are all going to be missed! These two characters are Chris and Bill - a few of my many favorites at the FlightSafety Atlanta Center.

The Vespa

The Vespa
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Forth of July Weekend in Florida with Dave and his family driving around the Vespa.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Congratulations Britta & Sean!

Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Today was one of the first of many weddings to come from White Bear Lake’s graduating class 2000. This afternoon, Britta Torgerson and Sean Jabbar became Mr. & Mrs. Jabbar in St. Paul, MN. Every moment of the wedding had touches of influence from Britta, from the programs handed out at the wedding ceremony to décor on the tables at the reception. Britta, as usual, looked stunning and maintained her usual serenity. It was great to see close friends, Rummel, Jenni, and the Dickson and Torgerson family as well as Alyson and Katie Johnson. Britta, what an amazing ceremony! Congratulations sweetie and I wish you and Sean only the best! 10 June 2006

I want to win a million dollars.

Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Who doesn’t? After watching a few seasons of Survivor, being intrigued by the challenge (and the money) and being told by numerous people that I would be perfect for the show, I decided I would go for it. I was going to be in Minnesota this weekend anyway for Britta’s wedding, so why not come in a day or two earlier to try out in Becker, MN? So last night I finally caught the last flight out of Atlanta into Minneapolis on standby, Mom picked me up and early this morning we found ourselves on the way up to Becker to meet with WCCO’s camera teams for an opportunity to be in front of a camera for 2 minutes to make my argument for why they should choose me. Mom also decided to interview as well. I don’t know if I really presented my character very well on film (and I accidentally swore), so who knows what will happen, but I did have a blast spending some quality time with mom and meeting some other great candidates that were trying out as well. I will know more come early August…but if I don’t get a chance for the next round of tryouts, I am definitely going to tryout again next time. Wish my mom and I luck! 9 June 2006

Bill’s Blue Angels

Originally uploaded by sasnook.
There is something about men named Bill in my life that have this love of air shows, primarily the Blue Angels, and share the love of aviation with me. Previously in my blog I have introduced many of you to my dear friend, mentor and hero, Bill Chervenak who exposed me to Alaska last summer, took be to my first Blue Angels Air show among many other life experiences, but I have yet to introduce my fellow coworkers at FlightSafety Atlanta. Since January I have been an intern on the Lear 45 of which contains a close-knit group of instructors that happens to be good friends. Luis is the program manager for the 45, and the instructors include Randy, Buzz, Regina, and Bill. Bill immediately took me under his wing and has been such a support while I have been at the Atlanta Center, and as you may have guessed we went to see the Blue Angels at Dobbins field together with Regina. I have to say a little more about Regina as well. Obviously being a pilot and a female, Regina and I hit it off right away, she helped me though the bumps I first experienced with learning my first jet and over the past few months we have become good friends. She is an excellent cook and is always inviting me over for a meal, although after the first meal I was invited to a table cloth went up in flames on the deck I can’t believe she invited me back (don’t ask, basically female pilots, though great cooks, shouldn’t always be allowed in the kitchen). Anyway, Regina, Bill and myself were given clearance into Dobbins Air force base to see the practice routine, which as usual was spectacular. After the air show we walked around looking at all the military aircraft. The funniest part of the day was Bill and I walked over to a Delta 767 that was on the ramp and earlier had been allowing people to go into the cockpit (Bill flew in the military and then for Delta until forced retirement). As we approached, a Delta captain was at the bottom of the stairs and informed us that they were no longer allowing tours for the day. Bill responded, “Well that’s too bad you have a future Delta pilot here” at which the captain turned to me and replied “Well you just continue to study hard in those math and science classes.” I giggled a little that the captain thought I was a high school student and told him politely that I had already graduated from college, at which Bill realized what had happened and he put his hand on my back and told the captain “This little girl flies a Lear 45.” After we shocked the Delta captain Bill, Regina and I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon looking at more airplanes. I really have enjoyed working at FlightSafety so far, everyone from the Lear 45 program, to marketing, customer support and many many others in other programs and administrative positions have been wonderful. I really feel that even though my immediate family is not present in Atlanta that I have begun to have a home away from home. I think I may be staying here for a while. 28 April 2006

Back to Vero in Style

Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Some of the perks of being a pilot are that you know a number of other pilots, of which work for corporate companies, airlines, etc… Well, Jen, as some of you may remember was my flight instructor for my instrument rating and commercial single engine certificate. I was hoping that I would have her for my multi-engine commercial add on but while I was running around Europe last June, she was hired by Sun Aviation in Vero Beach flying a Beechjet. Fortunate for me I still see her once in a while (though not nearly enough) because her boyfriend, Sean, is based out of Atlanta working for ASA and because Sun Aviation does their maintenance at an airport just outside of Atlanta. This particular week she had been up for maintenance and would be flying back to Vero Beach with out any passengers. She was a sweetheart to invite me down to Vero via the beechjet and stay with her. How could I turn down such an offer with such a good friend? So this weekend I was lucky enough to fly the true definition of first class with one of the best pilots I know and spend the weekend with a great friend. I cannot thank you enough Jen and hopefully I will be in Florida again soon! 27 March 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Meet the Boyfriend

Meet the Boyfriend
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
I have received many requests to meet the boyfriend. I was hoping for a more recent picture, but that has not worked out as planned…I have failed to remember the camera, so I apologize for the delay. So for those of you that have not met him in person, or seen probably this picture, this is Dave. Dave and I began dating late last June, we met at FlightSafety almost exactly a year ago, so yes he is a pilot as well, in fact he was my Zlin instructor and now works for ASA based out of Atlanta…hence the majority of the reason I moved from Florida. Many of you have already been told about this amazing guy that I am dating because I constantly gush about him, but for those of you that haven’t, I am glad to introduce you. I really feel luck to be dating such an amazing man, even if he kicks my ass on the racquetball court, playing both lefty and righty. I love you Dave..

Monday, February 27, 2006

In the City

In the City
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
I’m beginning to get settled in Atlanta. The transition has not been an easy one but I am glad that I made the move. The complications of not having health insurance, not knowing the area, only knowing more than a handful of people, and suddenly working 40 to 60 hours a week is a little over whelming at times. But I am working for FlightSafety (I do have a job) and they chose the Lear 45 for me to be an intern on. I am currently completing my SIC (Second in Command) in the 45 and looking forward to being a FO for the clients. It’s been a great opportunity to spend time with my aunt and uncle, and my cousins Kendall, Kyle and Liz. Also, it’s nice to be near Dave. Imagine that…I moved for a guy. I really enjoy Atlanta, and I wouldn’t mind spending some time here…but in the aviation industry you never know what will happen. Always hoping for the best.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good-bye Little Civic

My Honda
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
I love my Civic.

In 1991 Mom bought a brand new car.
This little car would go incredibly far.
It was a two-door hatchback, teal with gray interior.
Rachel and I thought Mom’s car was superior.

As a kid I sat in the backseat.
Because of Rachel and I, it was never neat.
Wrappers and clothes scattered the floor.
Chewing Gum was even stuck in the door.

Friends and family climbed in and out.
It wasn’t very big, so there was no need to shout.
No radio made us tell mom about our day.
It was a great car to get us where we wanted to play.

My sophomore year in college it went with me.
Mom and Dad had given me the key.
Traveling between the twin cities and Winona.
Singing “My Sharona”

I realized I did not belong on American Idol.
A stereo system was installed so that I wouldn’t need Midol.
Unfortunately other people like music too.
And robbers broke my window twice; I needed to get a clue.

It was nicknamed “The Little Green Monster”
It roared when it was revved but it was no rocket launcher.
First gear was really sticky
And reverse sounded icky

Then one day, I was driving down the road
And Bambi jumped out in front of me like a toad
I hit it going seventy miles an hour on the freeway
I was lucky it that deer didn’t take my life away

Fortunately my car survived the crash
I was forced to spend a lot of cash
Not long afterwards I drove it to the Florida sun
Without Minnesota’s cold weather that little car sure could run

It broke 200,000 miles while I complete my flying
Then moved all my belongings up to Atlanta without dying
Today, on my way home from work my car wanted to go to sleep
I am not going to lie, it made me weep.

Good-bye little Honda.
You helped me to’Wond’a…for 15 years, for 210,000 miles, all over the country.

I love my Civic.