Friday, June 16, 2006

Bill’s Blue Angels

Originally uploaded by sasnook.
There is something about men named Bill in my life that have this love of air shows, primarily the Blue Angels, and share the love of aviation with me. Previously in my blog I have introduced many of you to my dear friend, mentor and hero, Bill Chervenak who exposed me to Alaska last summer, took be to my first Blue Angels Air show among many other life experiences, but I have yet to introduce my fellow coworkers at FlightSafety Atlanta. Since January I have been an intern on the Lear 45 of which contains a close-knit group of instructors that happens to be good friends. Luis is the program manager for the 45, and the instructors include Randy, Buzz, Regina, and Bill. Bill immediately took me under his wing and has been such a support while I have been at the Atlanta Center, and as you may have guessed we went to see the Blue Angels at Dobbins field together with Regina. I have to say a little more about Regina as well. Obviously being a pilot and a female, Regina and I hit it off right away, she helped me though the bumps I first experienced with learning my first jet and over the past few months we have become good friends. She is an excellent cook and is always inviting me over for a meal, although after the first meal I was invited to a table cloth went up in flames on the deck I can’t believe she invited me back (don’t ask, basically female pilots, though great cooks, shouldn’t always be allowed in the kitchen). Anyway, Regina, Bill and myself were given clearance into Dobbins Air force base to see the practice routine, which as usual was spectacular. After the air show we walked around looking at all the military aircraft. The funniest part of the day was Bill and I walked over to a Delta 767 that was on the ramp and earlier had been allowing people to go into the cockpit (Bill flew in the military and then for Delta until forced retirement). As we approached, a Delta captain was at the bottom of the stairs and informed us that they were no longer allowing tours for the day. Bill responded, “Well that’s too bad you have a future Delta pilot here” at which the captain turned to me and replied “Well you just continue to study hard in those math and science classes.” I giggled a little that the captain thought I was a high school student and told him politely that I had already graduated from college, at which Bill realized what had happened and he put his hand on my back and told the captain “This little girl flies a Lear 45.” After we shocked the Delta captain Bill, Regina and I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon looking at more airplanes. I really have enjoyed working at FlightSafety so far, everyone from the Lear 45 program, to marketing, customer support and many many others in other programs and administrative positions have been wonderful. I really feel that even though my immediate family is not present in Atlanta that I have begun to have a home away from home. I think I may be staying here for a while. 28 April 2006

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