Friday, July 01, 2005

Trans Atlantic Train

While I was in Paris there were huge billboards in the Metro advertising a train that traveled from Paris to New York in 8 hours. I have to admit this baffled me, how in the world could there be a train that goes under the Atlantic Ocean? Is it remotely possible? Well I was curious, and I did some research online and this is what I found:

Now I would suggest you all go check out this site. I was in shock. A trans Atlantic train, it all seems like such a hoax. The history behind the tunnel is amazing. How could we not have heard of this? How many of our tax dollars have gone into this? And look at the prices of a round trip ticket! They are cheaper than ANY airline. Naturally, as a pilot, I could not disagree more with the crazy idea of taking a train under the water for 3,261 miles, not to mention it would not be good for the airline industry. But would people actually take this train and would it be profitable? The Chunnel is even in the process of going bankrupt. Would anyone consider taking this mode of transportation? It will be available in 2009.

Another website to look at:

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