Saturday, July 23, 2005

Day 5: Buck

Buck, Bill and I
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
I dreaded this morning. I have thus far been spoiled rotten with the aviation experiences I have had and I have met some wonderful people. I have not looked forward to leaving Kodiak because realistically it will be at least a year before I can return. I told Bill as we flew back to Anchorage on a De Havilland Dash-8 that I was upset with him because when I return to Florida to fly, I am going to be bored out of my mind. I have never experienced flying like I had in Kodiak and I already crave more.

We arrived safely in Anchorage and stopped at the Hood Lake Aviation Museum before heading towards Talkeetna. Just south of Talkeetna lived a pilot named Buck. Now for those of you that have not seen the video Buck made about flying in Alaska, Bill gave me this video when I began flying and since then have failed to return it to him, but shown it to many other pilots. It is a wonderful video about flying in Alaska, but primarily landing in the bush on beaches, riverbeds and in the brush. Today, I finally met Buck and his wonderful wife Charlene. Yet again, with a very open ear I heard more lore of pilots in Alaska. One of the best stories I heard was when Buck had started flying in Alaska he had been warned never to fly directly over the White Lady, a mountain just outside Anchorage. Well not listening to his elders, he decided to directly over the Sleeping Lady (Susitna Mountain) and as they approached the peak neither he nor his passenger remembers what happened next because they both backed out and when Buck regained consciousness he found the airplane in a descending attitude up side down. Like I said, flying in Alaska is unlike flying anywhere else

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