Friday, June 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Where can I begin with Paris? It is most definitely one of the most beautiful cities I have even seen. And despite what most tourists say about the Parisians being crabby, this city was full of romance.
I spent a week in Paris and it was not nearly long enough. I met a few people, some girls from Oklahoma and a few others from Pensacola, but my friend Nick, who I had met in Edinburgh, decided to join me in Paris and we spent the week sight seeing in Paris together. We were the typical tourists going to Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, Le Louvre, the Arc de Triumph and the Champ Elysee. We even took a boat tour on the Seine.
The food was wonderful, the architecture took my breath away and the weather was gorgeous. I think I had such a good experience because I spoke French (or at least attempted to). But it is a city that I would love to return to and spend more time, because you need a month just to see the entire Louvre!

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