Monday, June 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Stuttgart, Germany. This is a place that took me off guard. It is beautiful here and I am fortunate to have two wonderful friends to stay with: Matt and Verena. In the past few days I have been to a German BBQ that included a wonderful helicopter ride with Matt as the Captain, gone shopping at the grocery and beverage stores, kayaked on the Nectar River and hiked at a beautiful state park called Sieben Eichen (Seven Oaks). The BBQ was for Matt’s company, ECMS, at which Verena and I had a blast attempting to play volleyball with a bad mitten net, while drinking beer and the helicopter ride gave a spectacular view of the area outside Stuttgart. Kayaking was fun; although I think Verena was secretly seeing how much water she could splash on me. It has been great to see Verena and Matt and I will be returning after Switzerland, which Verena and I will be departing for tomorrow.

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