Sunday, May 01, 2005

Kayaking Pilots

Kayaking Pilots
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Yesterday, 29 pilots went kayaking on the Indian River on the Treasure Coast of Florida. Now, being aviators and navigators, you would think that we could handle high winds and other obstacles that were thrown our way. Little did we know that the fluid of liquid is much different than the fluid of air. We could not paddle in a straight line to save our lives. I’d like to say that we purposely paddled in a zigzagged manor to avoid the alligators that were along our path, but the reality of it was, that we can all crab into the wind no problem with an aircraft, but could we do it in a boat…hells NO. Regardless, it was a fun adventure that began with the organization of everyone, followed by seeing manatees, and then finally getting everyone in boats to paddle against winds and alligators (okay I’ll admit we only saw one) to an island on the Indian River to have lunch and turn around and face the elements once again. Going back to the beginning was no better, you know that story that your grandparents told you about walking up hill in the snow and sleet both ways to school…well we experienced that in a sense on both the way to and from the island. No free ride on a tail wind for us, headwind all the way. I have to admit it was a much different paddling experience than on the Mississippi. It made me respect the ocean water more and appreciate the Mississippi River back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Afton:

Jean has a good friend who has done a lot of kayaking. We will tell Maureen about your adventure with the other 28 pilots. Yes we do agree that the Atlantic Ocean can be a lot rougher than the Mississippi River. It wasn't us who told you about walking up hill in the snow both ways to and from school but it is a good tale.