Saturday, March 26, 2005

To The Moon!!!

Kennedy Space Center
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
…Okay, no…To Kennedy Space Center. Paul and I decided to go up and check out the space center together. I knew that it would be an informational trip and receive a great tour, but what I didn’t realize was how amazing the experience would be. We got there and immediately saw this fun and informative 3D IMAX film on the International Space Station that many countries have joined together to build. After that you get on a tour bus which shuttles you around 140,000 acres of land that surrounds the space facilities. And believe it or not NASA only uses a small fraction of this land; the remainder is a wildlife reserve that is the home to thousands of animals. They take you to different locations and tell you brain bursting amounts of information. Such as, did you know that the shuttle landing facility is 3 miles long? Or did you know that the Russian’s were the first country to put a man in space and that America failed miserably for many years until we finally had our first man in space? Or that when landing on the moon things went terribly wrong with the Lunar Module, but America still successfully put the first man on the moon? The Space Center does a great job of sharing the history of both good and bad (embarrassing) events NASA encountered and shows that it is very much part of our lives today not only as American citizens but how the International Space Station has united many countries. I would strongly suggest if anyone comes to Florida and is in the Orlando area, consider going on the tour, it is better than Disney. I do want to clarify that as amazing and appealing as becoming an astronaut is, I think I will remain on earth as a pilot…I have so much to explore here in my airplane.


Phil said...

You forgot to mention that the IMAX film was narrated by none other than Mr. Tom Cruise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Afton:

While you were at the space center did you see the gigantic vehicle used to move the shuttle from the hanger to the launch pad? Your great uncle Dick Barkhurst helped build it in Marion Ohio.

