Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rush of Blood to the Head

Flying Inverted in the Zlin
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Sadly I had my last flight in the Zlin today. One full hour of loops, spins and pulling G’s. Five and a half was the maximum G’s that I pulled. Dave was gladly my cameraman, snapping pictures and videos with my camera. I don’t think any one maneuver took precedence of being my favorite. I even enjoyed recovering from a spin once I did one or two. The crazy thing about spin recovery is that you give full opposite rudder and push the stick forward and the spin increases in speed and if you don’t neutralize the rudders you’ll end up spinning in the other direction or if you push the stick too far forward then you’ll actually end up in a flat spin (neither of which is a good result and I came close to doing). But once I got the recovery down, spin recovery was actually a lot of fun. Over the course of the last three flights I did more than spins and loops, I did hammerhead stalls, snap spins, half Cuban eights, four point turns and four leaf clovers. The great thing about flying in the Zlin is that I was laughing the entire time. Lately flying has been very serious and intense because I am wrapping up my instrument rating, being under the hood and concentrating on shooting approaches and adjusting to the craziness of Miami Center/Daytona Approach. So it has been nice to lighten the mood with some inverted flying and make all the blood rush to my head.

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