Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Mom and I on graduation day

Mom and I on graduation day
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Well, I am officially a college graduate. Winona State University was a good choice for me. On Friday the 17th of December I graduate Magna Cum Laude with a major in Business Administration and a minor in Aviation/Airway Sciences.

My future plans are to move to Vero Beach, Florida where I will attend The Flight Safety Academy, which for me is definitely grad school. I was proud to earn my private certificate through Winona's flying club and look forward to a new flying experience in Florida. There I will complete the remainder of my flight training so that my dream of becoming a pilot comes true. I begin at the academy on the 17th of January and plan to train for seven months, which will then be followed by a year as a flight instructor. After after that...and I'll update you when it happens.

Over the past four years, I have become knowledgeable not only academically, but have also learned from numerous life experiences. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend a summer in Nantucket, explore the natural beauties of the Mississippi River V alley, travel the New England area, and have met some fantastic people along the way. It is you that have made these years memorable whether it be by sending me a gift basket or a card to cheer me up. Many of you trusted me to watch your kids or trusted me with your life as I flew you through the air. Some of you put a roof over my head and others made sure I ate a hot homemade meal. A few of you proof-read my papers while some of you taught me how to write them. I would not be where I am without all of your support. I thank you all for being in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Afton:

Now there are a couple of lovely ladies! Jean and I are so very proud of your great accomplihments as a college student. Magnum Cum Laud!!


Gramps and Gram