Friday, January 28, 2005

Dave's Instrument Celebration

Dave's Instrument Celebration
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Never a dull moment around here...and that's just the way I like it! Melissa and I have been in Vero Beach 2 weeks and we are still having a blast.
Besides the eventful day I had of homework, class, and gemini-ing; Dave, a new friend of mine from northern California passed his instrument check-ride. In celebration of such a feat, Melissa and I took him out to dinner to a great Japanese-Thai restaurant. We had a great time and I think I already found a restaurant to take my dad to when he comes to visit!
I mentioned that I gemini-ed today, so I should probably explain what that is. Gemini-ing at Flight Safety is where you sit as a passenger in another student's flight lesson, usually in a similar lesson that you will soon be experiencing. I went up directly after class and I finally saw Vero Beach from the sky for the first time - WOW, flying never ceases to make my heart ache for more. There really is something about soaring through the sky during a sunset while the fog rolls in over the ocean and becomes MVFR. It is such a rush to know that these skies are now my playground.

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