Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Instrument Rated

Jen and I
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Today I became an instrument rated pilot. I can hardly contain myself I am so excited. I want to thank all of you that said a prayer for me, taught me the things I know today (both aviation and non-aviation related), helped me study, lent a listening ear and told me words of wisdom and advice when I have needed to hear it most. Like many of the things I have done in life thus far, I could not have done it without all of you that have been amazing friends or without the unbelievable support you have provided me.

A little about my check-ride: My check-airman’s man was Cindy Bourne. She was really cool. I had a 2-hour oral exam with her, which went really well. Then I had the check ride and wow 2.4 hours under the hood will kill anyone. We flew out of Vero and went to ECKOS intersection to hold; then arced north on an 8 mile DME ARC off of VRB VOR, did unusual attitudes, shot the full VOR approach at Melbourne (MLB) and did a circle to land. We then came back around to shoot the ILS back into MLB when Daytona Approach’s radar went out and they no longer were accepting practice approaches into MLB. That stunk. So I flew south to Fort Pierce (FPR) and shot the ILS there, went missed and shot the FPR NDB partial panel and went home.

So you ask me “now what?” I am already in the Commercial ground school and will be flying in the Arrow by the end of the week. I am really looking forward to getting back in the airplane with Jen, she is so much fun to fly with!

Again, thank you to everyone that aided me with earning the rating!


rht426 said...

Congrats on the Instrument! I would say that it took long enough, but we all know how big of a slacker I am.
Hope everything is going as well as it sounds.


Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you. Just 14 weeks ago you packed your bags and drove off to Florida with a mission. Today you accomplished something that has been in your heart for a very long time - Hooray for Afton!!

Anonymous said...

Hey a big Congrats Afton!!!! I know how hard you worked for it. I knew you would own the plane. Just to show.... sky's the limit!!!! Shoot for the stars there is no stopping you.


Phil said...

Afton, you rock. Congratulations. The next time you're home I'll definitely be taking you out for a drink. No time to rest though, huh? On to the commercial training.

Jean. said...

I just got your mass email and was happy to know that you had a blog. And surprised that you're down in Florida!

It's been awhile, a long while. I am in Mankato now, attending graduate school, working on my Masters in fine arts for creative writing, teaching english 101 at MSU.

Congratulations on this certification! I'm pretty sure I am one of the first people you talked to about this flying thing--coming into the dorm one day, me probably napping, you: "I think I am going to take some aviation classes."

"But Afton," I said. "What about your English major?--Your French major?" And then, I told everyone my roomie was going to be a pilot (and that she was smelly).

Cheers to good decisions.

Here's me: jeanpro.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Dear Afton:

Jean and I are very proud to have an instrument rated pilot for a grandaughter. Keep up the great work.
I suppose by now you know that the person who disappeared with Amelia
Erhardt was a Snook. I'm sure it was a distant relative but you are ready to join the famous flying ladies. Just skip the disappearing act.

Grams and Gramps