Thursday, May 17, 2007

City Aviation

City Aviation
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
My time in Michigan is up. With the return of Larry, I have fulfilled my end of the agreement and will be returning to Atlanta. I had a blast with these guys and I managed to learn a few things along the way. Mark, thank you for teaching me so much and always making me laugh, you should have been named Bill. Steve, you’re an awesome stick and so easy going, I will miss being your backseat driver and eating beaucoup de sushi. I’m sorry you’re going to have to put the engine covers on by yourself again. Larry, I am glad that we even had one flight together, although a second would have been nice; I am so glad you have your health again and I am sure I would have learned as much from you as I did from Mark and Steve. It’s time for me to try a different path, I don’t know if it will be the right one, but I will take what I learned from the three of you and continue to expand my knowledge. Thanks guys it was great to cruise the skies with you!

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