Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rome, Italy

Now that I am working for my first regional airline (There is a difference between major airlines & regional airlines - not flying with the big boys yet!), I needed to start taking advantages of the perk of traveling overseas. Thanks to Dave and his parents wanting to go over to Italy, I tagged along for part of their trip and saw Rome. Flying over in first class on Tuesday and arriving in Rome Wednesday morning only to check into our hotel, Hotel S. Anna, less than a city block from the Vatican City to see Pope Benedict holding mass in the Plaza of St. Peter. We spent all of Wednesday in the Vatican City, walking through the amazing halls that make up the Vatican's museums, stopping in the breath taking Sistene Chapel, climbing to the top of St. Peter's Basilica, and staring in awe of the beauty of the basilica itself. That night we met Aimee, Dave's cousin who lives in Rome for dinner. Thursday morning, thankfully the weather was beautiful for our hike to the Coliseum, stopping at Palatine Hill, the Roman Forum, the Fountain of Trevi, and the Spanish Steps. It wasn't until we were on our way to the amazing Pantheon that the rain moved in, which wasn't a bad thing because it just meant that we ate and drank more. Friday, unfortunately the weather had not cleared but that didn't stop us from going to Castle St. Angelo, and do a little Italian shopping (more like viewing the beautiful fashion and FURLA handbags). The rainy weather also led us to a wonderful wood burning oven Pizzaria for lunch followed by Gelato. I couldn't get enough of the gelato - thank God I don't live in Rome because I might BECOME gelato I would eat so much! That night Aimee drove us to her and Roberto's appartment and then to Frascati for dinner. Before I knew it my vacation was over, Saturday morning I said good-bye to Dave and his parents to fly back to Atlanta, while they continued on to Northern Italy. Not even getting a center seat in coach ruined my wonderful experience in Rome! I can't wait to go back - I DID throw my coin into the Trevi Fountain, so I WILL be returning. Ciao!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Over the hills and through the woods...

... to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Denver, CO. This visit was LONG over due, but finally I got to see Grandma & Grandpa Snook! They have a beautiful new house in gorgeous Colorado. They showed me around their neighborhoods and took me to Estes Park where my Aunt Mary lives. I am pretty sure I will be back again soon!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Helen, GA

Amanda was nice enough to invite a group of us up to her grandmother's cabin in Helen, located in northern Georgia. We ate well, drank well and had a wonderful time while enjoying the beautiful fall weather in the mountains of Georgia. Thanks again Amanda!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

My Michigan Ladies

Still Under Construction

Thursday, May 17, 2007

City Aviation

City Aviation
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
My time in Michigan is up. With the return of Larry, I have fulfilled my end of the agreement and will be returning to Atlanta. I had a blast with these guys and I managed to learn a few things along the way. Mark, thank you for teaching me so much and always making me laugh, you should have been named Bill. Steve, you’re an awesome stick and so easy going, I will miss being your backseat driver and eating beaucoup de sushi. I’m sorry you’re going to have to put the engine covers on by yourself again. Larry, I am glad that we even had one flight together, although a second would have been nice; I am so glad you have your health again and I am sure I would have learned as much from you as I did from Mark and Steve. It’s time for me to try a different path, I don’t know if it will be the right one, but I will take what I learned from the three of you and continue to expand my knowledge. Thanks guys it was great to cruise the skies with you!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Take Me Home to Minnesota

I am so excited that I was home this past weekend! It was strictly a family weekend (Bill & Jojo included), hanging out with the parents and my sister. Dave came to visit too. It all started because I needed to get a new drivers license. Amazing how a driver’s license can turn into a fun filled weekend that included playing cards with the fam, and a Twins game with Rachel and Dave.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Orleans

On the road again...first time to New Orleans and the French Quarter.