Friday, December 16, 2005


Last Day at FSA
Originally uploaded by sasnook.
Almost a year later I am leaving Vero Beach, FL with my Instrument Rating, Commercial Single Engine and Multi Engine, CFI and CFII. Thanks to many instructors I am now moving on with a career in aviation. I was offered a job to flight instruct with FSA or to do an internship with FlightSafety International. I have decided to take the internship in Atlanta. I have made so many new friends, I really feel fortunate and now I am moving on where I have family and friends. I am looking forward to meeting new people and continuing on in aviation, but I will miss those who will not be in Atlanta as well. I truly have made some wonderful friends and I hope that we stay in touch, if not I know our career choice will force us to run into each other in some airport in the country, who knows maybe outside of the country as well. I will miss everyone in Vero. Enjoy the skies.